Monday, August 20, 2007

Puppy Toys

Alex has made many things in my home his toys. Essentially anything on the floor and anything he can grab off the coffee table all have toy potential. Contrary to my expectations, he does not go after my knitting except to chew on it when it gets in his face while he is sitting on my lap. The most popular toy for the past month or so has been an empty plastic bottle. He has finally beaten it into submission and today he got the top off of it. Here is the product of his incredible efforts.

In an effort to protect my pillows and cushions I decided to try my hand at making toys for him. I think I have been a little successful. I took some scraps from the kitchen projects , serged them together and stuffed them with crunchy plastic bags. I got the idea from a toy that Kemora used to carry around for hours. It was an elongated dog shape and used to make a crunchy sound when she chewed it. It eventually bit the dust but seemed to last for months. Anyway, I've made Alex a few of these and here is a picture of him carrying around one of them.

About 10 seconds after I got this shot Alex made for the doggy door and proceeded to bury this toy in the side garden. I went out a little while later and dug it back up and brought it inside as I thought it was not the best place for fabric wrapped plastic bags. Darn if he didn't head right back out to the garden and re-bury it in exactly the same spot. I think I'll wait until he's asleep in his kennel and see if I can find it again.

Weather Update: My area has had no rain for almost 48 hours now. Yahoo! It also looks like Dean will be hitting Mexico rather than the Texas Gulf coast so my area may see only a litle rain from this hurricane. Let's hope Dean loses some of its force before it hits the Yucatan.

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