Saturday, May 12, 2007

Saturday Sharing

Today was the monthly meeting of the Downtown neighborhood group of the Houston ASG chapter. We made hats based on a buckram halo hat form. I managed to complete the basic halo and am now working out the beading and netting part of the hat. When I have it completed I will definitely post it here. Even though I may not wear hats all that frequently (due to my fat head), this project was fun and we all became little girls playing dress-up as we put them together.
I shared some of my adventures in felting. From the Hancock fabric store that is closing near my home, I purchased two balls of Lion Brand Fettuccini yarn. It was like strips of felted wool made into a heavy ribbon. I crocheted it up into a wonky clutch purse and then felted it twice in the washing machine. This is how it came out:

One of the group suggested running yarn or cord through the holes in the felt left after the felting process. Definitily something to try.

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