Monday, May 14, 2007

Another Swap

I just got my partner's name for the Free People Travel Swap. Its a pretty loose swap ... create something with a Travel theme for your partner. I have until the first week of June to create and send something to my partner. I have two ideas .... one is to make several travel bags for packing stuff like shoes and toiletries, a matching garment bag, and a tote bag or the other idea is to create a bag for carrying all the stuff that we tend to collect in our cars like Kleenex boxes, note pads, maps, pens, floss etc. I'm currently leaning to the second idea as I have a great pattern for one and my own has been a great additon to my life. Its the primary reason why I can carry, at the most, a small clutch and string bag when shopping because everything else I might need is in my car bag.

I am enjoying the free form swaps I have found on various blogs and web sites. There is a web site that is made up solely of swaps called Swapbot but it is a little intimidating as there is a ratings system where the receivers rate what they received from their partners.'No sends' are compiled as well. The people who organize these swaps all sound like marine drill sargents and usually require that you get vetted by them before joining a swap. Too much stress for me.

Now all I need to do is go through my stash for fabric ... vintage florals or modern graphics. Neither are my personal favorites but I seem to have tons of both. Decisions, decisions.

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