Today I went to a Christmas party for the Sewing Friends ASG neighborhood group. In general it was a pot luck luncheon at the home of the amazing Carol Lane Saber. You may remember my raves about her trunk show earlier this year of Japanese textiles and her incredible garments. Her home was filled with many wonderful textiles and other Japanese items. I wish I had brought a camera so you could enjoy the beautifully decorated and spotless rooms of her home. Since my home is close to a toxic waste dump right now, I really enjoy visiting homes like hers just to get away from the piles that need to sorted out from my Dad's Forida apartment.That was not the miracle, the miracle is that I actually made something from scratch for the pot luck lunch. While we were clearing out my Dad's Florida apartment I found my mother's recipe box. Most of the contents were menu cards with desert recipes. Just what the post WWII bride would need to have a happy home. The rest were hand written file cards from the late 40's and early 50's. One that I found was for Peanut Butter Squares. I'm not sure when it was from but it is attributed to Hazel Goodwin, a neighbor from when we went to a cottage on Georgian Bay for the summer.
Here is the original recipe... with key amounts erased by some fluid spill:

Here is the result - the one piece that was not falling to pieces by the time I got home:
The women at the party all seemed to love them and, even though the icing became like a rock, I must admit they are delicious. Here is what I interpreted as the right amounts and the process:
1 cup smooth peanut butter
1 cup dark brown sugar
1 cup light corn syrup
Melt these ingredients together in a large bowl over a pot of boiling water as a make-shift double boiler. Do not boil the results.
Remove the big bowl from the pot and stir in:
2 cups corn flakes
1 cup rice crispies (yes, these are beakfast cereal and I used generics)
Once well mixed (it takes a lot of strength to get everything well blended) press the results firmly into a well greased 9" x 13" cake pan. I used a canola oil spray but I bet mom used Crisco.
When cool, top with the caramel icing below.
Caramel Icing
1 cup dark brown sugar
3 tablespoons heavy cream
2 tablespoons sweet butter
Combine in a pot over medium heat and boil for one minute.
Have your mixer handy. Remove the pot from the heat. Quickly beat in about 1 1/2 cups of sifted icing sugar and enough vanilla to make it all combine properly.
Spread on top of the peanut butter base. To serve, cut into squares.
In our family my mother made these for my younger brother as a special treat. She made pineapple upside down cake for my older brother as his special dessert. Today, someone asked me what she made for me and all I could remember is how she once made me boiled cabbage as part of a special back-to-school meal. YUCK! Maybe my brothers will remember my special dessert or maybe, like many women I know, as long as chocolate was part of the description I was happy.
PS - I think I will try these again with more corn syrup so that the cereal mixing will be less difficult.